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Wetland School begins! 10th anniversary exhibition of environmental education for parents and children

  • PostDate:2022-02-23
  • Publisher:news
  • Hits:55

To promote the environmental education and take conservation action, the Taijiang National Park Headquarters founded Taijiang Wetland School in 2012 for promoting environmental education based on four theme aspects, ecological conservation, history and humanities, economic industry, and national park environmental action. The 10th anniversary exhibition of environmental education is held at the visitor center to share the progress and achievements in the past decade to the public.


To help parents and children learn about the environmental education at Taijiang Wetland School together, the Taijiang National Park Headquarters held a series of environmental education activities for children in conjunction with the 10th anniversary exhibition of environmental education. We will guide the visitors and explain how to use the interactive displays of the exhibition and how to play course games such as Wetland Challenge, Water Bird Watcher and Intertidal Zone Guessing, thus letting visitors understand how Taijiang Wetland School designs different course activities and creates a diverse learning space. We hope to spread the idea of environmental education through hands-on activities and hope that this leads more people to protect the wetland ecology.


The event will be held on March 5, March 26, April 6 and April 23, 2022. Parents and children are welcome to sign up for free. Signing up begins on February 22, 2022 at 10 AM. Visitors can go to the website of Taijiang National Park for more information and contact the Interpretation and Education Section of Taijiang National Park Headquarters for any question (06-2842600 ext. 1516).