In order to construct comprehensive migratory species conservation network, we have collaborated with Chongming Dongtan Birds Nature Reserve in Shanghai on May 16th to exchange memos and jointly promote the wetland conservation work for black-faced spoonbills, as it is also an important stop on the migration route for East Asian migratory birds, as well as a life circle for black-faced spoonbills.
On September 27th and 28th, we have invited Yamashina Institute for Ornithology together with Ringing Center from Japan to organize “Migratory Bird-Ringing Technological Exchange Seminar” in Taiwan.
T3. On October 28th-29th, we have invited cross-Straits experts and academics to hold the “Seminar on Black-faced Spoonbill Life Circle Wetland Conservation and Migratory Birds’ Migration”, as well as the research and study on ringing techniques, thereby enhancing the international visibility of Taijiang’s conservation, as well as establish a good foundation for international conservation collaboration.
Collaborated with Chongming Dongtan Bitds Nature Reserve in shanghai.
Seminar on Black-faced Spoonbill life Circle Wetland Conservation and Migratory Birds'Migration.