Cultural preservation and ecological conservation
To build a complete flora and fauna, culture and landscape protection system the main methods of the national park are:
- Preserving the unique terrain and landscape in the area.
- Protecting the flora, fauna and their habitats as well as provide habitats for migratory birds.
- Extending the ecological corridor.
- Preserving the Pingpu tribe, Siraya Culture and important settler historic and cultural relics.
- Preserving the remnants of distinctive local industries. (salt-pans, fish ponds)
Nature and cultural education and research
To guarantee species and cultural diversity for academic research and outdoor environmental education, the main methods are:
- Establishing a research system and environmental monitoring program.
- Building a complete biological data platform.
- Providing a site for landscape, geological and flora and fauna ecological Researches.
- Providing an area for cultural relic research.
- Providing a venue for environmental education.
Eco-recreation interpretation and experience
To give the public a suitable opportunity to learn about the park’s overall environment the main methods are:
- Developing eco-tourism to give the public experiences for the beauty of the natural environment.
- Through suitable environmental interpretation providing environmental education for the people.
- Planning environmental education to deliver conservation concepts and to establish environment awareness for the public.
- Promoting a partnership with the local communities based on coexistence, co-prosperity and sharing.
To build up a partnership between the park and local residents based on mutual understanding, trust and help, the following methods are used:
- Empowering the community in park operations, interpretation for example.
- Assisting with the conversion of local resource use and development of partnerships.
- Through interpretation provided by local people visitors' understanding and respects for the environment, culture and tradition life in the park area would be increased.