In order to promote the concepts of wetland ecology and conservation, we and the Endemic Species Research Institute of the Council of Agriculture together with the Urban and Rural Development Branch, Construction and Planning agency, Ministry of Interior have jointly invited black-faced spoonbill life circle experts and academics from various countries to hold the “2011 International Symposium on Black-faced Spoonbill and Coastal Wetlands Conservation” on April 7th and 8th of 2011.
On October 15th and 16th of 2011, we jointly organized the “2nd Asian Bird Fair” with Tainan City Government and Chinese Wild Bird Federation; the event was held at Anping Harbor, with enthusiastic participation of bird lovers from 11 countries around the world. We have specially set up display booth to allow international visitors to learn more about the various relevant black-faced spoonbill conservation research outcomes carried out by us.