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"Tracing Taijiang River, Discovering Taijiang Culture"

  • PostDate:2022-09-20
  • Publisher:news
  • Hits:34

Besides nature conservation, the Taijiang National Park also endeavors to preserve and highlight human culture in various ways. On September 14, 2022, an exhibition titled "Tracing Taijiang River, Discovering Taijiang Culture" will be launched, inspired by the book of the same name. The exhibition will feature ancient maps, place names and local proverbs to tell a vivid story of 400 years of human culture, commerce, and ecological change in the Taijiang area.

The exhibition showcases Taijiang’s history through Xiaomei’s grandpa telling his granddaughter about life in the old days. This lively and interesting storyline helps bring the region’s history closer to today’s children and adults. Starting with the legend of the havoc-wreaking Green Snake (based on the very real Striped-Tailed Rat Snake in the area), the close connection between the Taijiang area and the Zengwen River is highlighted. Through various interactive experiences, visitors can explore the catchment area of the Zengwen River and learn about Taijiang’s eventful history and cultural diversity.

The "Tracing Taijiang River, Discovering Taijiang Culture" exhibition will be held in the exhibition room on the 2F level of the Taijiang Visitor Center from September 14 through December 4, 2022. More information about the event is given on the Taijiang National Park website. If you like and follow the Taijiang National Park Facebook Fan Group you won’t miss any updates on the park’s news and events!