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Taijiang National Park Offers Inland Sea Tours to Tell Local Stories

  • Last Updated:2022-10-07
  • Publisher:Special Report
  • Hits:60

Taijiang National Park has been supporting local eco tourism development for a long time. Based on the coexistence of ecology and daily life, resources of the communities adjacent to the wetland at the estuary of Tsengwen River have been integrated. Taijiang National Park helps these communities reach a consensus. It founded the Taijiang Inland Sea Tour Alliance, which offers demonstration tours for all four seasons. Therefore, we established the Taijiang Tour Guide, a training plan for community tour guides, hoping that locals can tell local stories in their own words.

This is the second year for Taijiang Tour Guide. A rich 90-hour course is provided to lead visitors into the inland sea in Taijiang, an area with abundance of humanities culture, introduced from historical, ecological, industrial and food culture perspectives. We want to help more visitors know about this land. We have courses for identification of birds and wild vegetables, aquaculture industry and cooking. Visitors can integrate the things they are used to in daily life with other expertise. We aim to enrich the content of local tours.

The Taijiang National Park Headquarters has promoted the inland sea revitalization plan in recent years by developing a winter tour, “Fish Meets Guests – Taijiang Winter Feast”. Birdwatching experts and Taijiang tour guides lead visitors to explore the habitat of black-faced spoonbills and enjoy the delicious seafood raised by environmentally friendly aquaculture. Visitors are invited to listen to the tour guides sharing local ecology, industry, culture, and life stories. Together, they can learn a lot about the richness of the inland sea from the past up to the present.