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Barrier-free activity venues upgraded in the Nanwan Recreation Area of Taijiang National Park!

  • Last Updated:2022-11-11
  • Publisher:Special Report
  • Hits:31

The Taijian National Park Administration (Taijiang Administration) allocates funds every year to maintain and upgrade its barrier-free facilities and offers barrier-free itineraries around the national park to improve the quality of its barrier-free tourism services and its service image, all in line with the “Overall Accessibility Improvement Plan for National Parks” of the Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of the Interior.

The Nanwan Recreation Area on the south bank of the Qigu Lagoon includes docks and a viewing platform. People can enjoy the mangroves and overlook Dingtoue Mountain and Wangzailiao Mountain. From the docks, recreational fishing rafts can be taken to cross the Qigu Lagoon to Wangzailiao Mountain. During these trips, the lagoon’s ecology, its oyster banks and sandbars can be enjoyed.

To create barrier-free half-day and one-day itineraries in the Qigu area, the Taijiang Administration built two bird-watching pavilions for viewing the black-faced spoonbills and barrier-free activity venues at Wangzailiao Mountain in 2017 and 2019. In 2021, the barrier-free facilities in the Nanwan Recreation Area were upgraded to a new barrier-free activity venue. The aim is to connect all barrier-free venues and link them with surrounding attractions such as Liukong Park Station and Liukong Wharf, so that tourists with disabilities can fully enjoy the Qigu area.

The Ministry of the Interior designated the Nanwan Recreation Area as a barrier-free activity venue on April 19, 2022. The venue provides barrier-free service facilities such as main entrances and exits, barrier-free access roads, maps, outdoor signs and explanation boards. Barrier-free parking spaces and toilets are connected by barrier-free passages in the activity venues to provide a tourist-friendly recreational environment.