The Black-faced Spoonbill is an endangered bird species with a global population of less than 3,000. The primary winter habitat for the Black-faced Spoonbill's largest population segment is the Taijiang area, with an average of over 1,000 Black-faced Spoonbills counted in recent winters, which could well be half of the global population of Black-faced Spoonbills. This has made Taijiang the center of global attention. The Black-faced Spoonbill forages for food more regularly before its return to the north in spring; it can sometimes be spotted wading around in roadside fish farming ponds during the fallow period if the water level permits. Black-faced Spoonbills are crepuscular, and prefer to rest in large flocks in open and undisturbed coastal areas or fish farming ponds during the day. During flight, its neck is fully extended and its gracefulness has earned it the name of “Black-faced Dancer”. The Black-faced Spoonbill forages in small groups, and sweeps its partly opened bill from side to side as it forages for small fish and shrimp.
The Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Area is an estuarine wetland with an area of about 300 hectares. It was set aside to protect the wild birds of Zengwen Estuary and their natural habitat. The Black-faced Spoonbill Birdwatching Pavilion is opened to birdwatchers every winter season. The resting area features a high-powered binocular and camera; in addition to facilitating birdwatching, the camera also uploads real-time photos to the internet.
For those who would like to learn more about Black-faced Spoonbills, please note that volunteers will be on-site to share their knowledge about the Black-faced Spoonbill each year, starting from October to March of the following year.