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The Taijiang National Park Headquarters held the event “Bird Watching Cycling and Spring Trip at the Mountains, the Sea and Canals”

  • PostDate:2022-03-02
  • Publisher:news
  • Hits:35

The Taijiang National Park has a diverse wetland environment, including fish farms, abandoned salt pans, mudflats, and estuary sand bars. The lower reach of the Yanshui River and Jianan Irrigation Waterways are located in the national-level wetland, Yanshui River Estuary Wetlands, and adjacent to one of the only two international-level wetlands, Sicao Wetland. This diverse wetland environment nurtures a rich animal and plant ecology, and offers an environment for migratory or wintering birds to absorb nutrients and perch. Lots of little egrets nest in the mangrove on the coast. Intertidal zone animals such as fiddler crabs and mudskippers perch in this wetland. Migratory birds such as snipes, stilts, ducks, black-faced spoonbills, pied avocets and black-winged stilts come here for overwintering.

When spring is coming, these migratory birds will gradually return to the breeding area in the north for reproduction. When the migratory birds are about to return to the north in the warm spring, the Taijiang National Park Headquarters will hold the event “Bird Watching Cycling and Spring Trip at the Mountains, the Sea and Canals” on March 27, 2022. We will lead visitors to ride a bike in the breeze, cross Guanhai Bridge to the west along Yanshui River, and turn to Shanhaizun Greenway to the east along the Jianan Irrigation Waterways. The entire route is about 10 km. Visitors can learn about the abundant estuary resources and migratory bird ecology along the way. While biking, visitors will get to know about this bird paradise near Tainan in a slow tour.

The event “Bird Watching Cycling and Spring Trip at the Mountains, the Sea and Canals” is great for adults and children who love outdoor activities and ecology observation. Each participant pays NT$ 200. Up to 40 participants may join this event. Visitors may sign up for the event online and signing up starts on March 3, 2022 at 10 AM. Visitors may bring their own bike or rent a bike at the check-in counter. Visitors may contact the Interpretation and Education Section of Taijiang National Park Headquarters for any question (06-2842600 ext. 1510, Mr. Chen).