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Congratulations! "Hearing the Taijiang Celestial Voice: Taiwanese Twilight Cicada" won the National Excellent Reading Selected Star

  • PostDate:2021-08-23
  • Publisher:news
  • Hits:24

The Taijiang popular science book "Hearing the Taijiang Celestial Voice: Taiwanese Twilight Cicada" transforms esoteric scientific research into a simple and readable popular science book and has won the selected star of the Ministry of Culture's "43rd Selection of Reading Materials for Primary and Secondary School Students". It stood out from more than 3,000 books and won the honor of "Selected Star" specially recommended in the natural science popularization category.

The director of Taijiang National Park, Mr. Hsien Weisong said that Professor Zhang Yuanmou of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Resources of National Tainan University has been specially entrusted to introduce the first-hand research and investigation results of Taiwan collected over the years. It completely introduces the ecology and life history of Taiwanese twilight cicadas through simple readable texts, plus many photos, hand-drawn drawings and cicada song files. It is a rare popular science book that introduces Taiwan's unique species of cicadas, so that novices who are interested in insects can easily understand the ecology and story of Taiwan cicadas.

The selection committee of the Ministry of Culture also particularly affirmed that this book is a long-term study by local writers, who introduce Taiwan's unique insects, Taiwanese twilight cicada, with exquisite pictures and concise texts. It is an important publication for scientific research, conservation, and science, and interprets complex scientific research with readable, humorous and interesting wording, enhancing the interest and comprehension of the youth to read popular science books. It is one of the ten selected books in the natural science popularization category.

If you want to have fun understanding Taiwan's unique cicadas - Taiwanese Twilight Cicadas, you are welcome to the National Bookstore, Wunan Cultural Square, Zhengda Book City (Tainan Branch), the Visitor Center Store, or the Internet Mall… and buy it.