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The number of Black-faced Spoonbills worldwide reaches a new high Taijiang National Park Conservation has been successful

  • PostDate:2021-04-22
  • Publisher:news
  • Hits:28

According to The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society’s official announcement, the number of black-faced spoonbills in the world has reached 5,222, an increase of 358 compared to last year's census of 4,864. The number of black-faced spoonbills in Taiwan has reached 3,132, accounting for 60% of the global number with an increase of 347 over the same period last year, of which 539 have been sighted in Yunjia area (113 fewer than the same period last year), 2,114 in the southern region (an increase of 275 over the same period last year), and 408 in Chieh Ting and Yong An wetlands (an increase of 223 over the same period last year). The number of black-faced spoonbills around Taijiang National Park has increased the most, which shows that the friendly habitat construction promoted by Taijiang Office in recent years has gradually achieved solid results.